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5 WEEK SESSION NOW CLOSED! Attending to Grief Authentically During the Holiday

  • Carlene Maginnis, Nonviolent Communication Nashville (map)

Ahhhhh.....The Holidays! Do you feel excited, happy, fulfilled or sad, reluctant, scared? Are you wanting to to go along to get along? Do you want to move in and through the holidays authentically being who you are now becoming in the midst of living loss?

Maybe you're experiencing a depth of grief that is new for you. Perhaps you and grief have been reluctant or even embraceable friends for awhile. No matter the length, depth, and breath of your experience with grief, the sessions beginning in November through the second week of January are meant to offer support in BEING with Grief Authentically.

C.S. Lewis wrote, “I never knew grief felt so much like fear.” No matter the loss or transition in life, grief is a human experience often misunderstood in a culture of ‘feel better’ theology. Have you experienced family and friends wanting you to feel better, get over the sorrow, be happy, etc? Could they be fearful of grief? As the one grieving, allowing grief space to be present can be pushed aside by the proverbial ‘to do’ list. Perhaps in an effort to protect us, a part of us tells not to open the door of grief and so we too remain stuck in fear rather than moving toward it. In a culture that looks for quick fixes we’ve not learned the art of mourning. Grief ladened by its sorrow looks like the end of something and someone. Although both are true, it is also true the beginning of something and someone new is painfully emerging.

For five sessions from 6-8:00 p.m., we'll explore together the unfolding of the grief we're attending through the lens of NVC and several known authors whose writings on the subject give insight in how to BE with grief.

You are invited to join Carlene as she shares her exploration and self discovery of living grief authentically.

Dates: Free Intro, Thursday, Nov. 18

Scheduled Sessions begin: Thursday Dec. 2; Thursday, Dec. 16; Thursday Dec.30; Thursday, Jan. 6; the Final Session, January 13

Fee: Please select a cost amenable to your comfort between $200 - $300.

And Register Here:

Earlier Event: January 23
Later Event: November 20
Living NVC....From The Inside Out