The primer of the Magic of Requests began on December 5, 2020. If you missed it, No Worries!
This month, we'll explore and practice why requests are essential to effective communication. When learning and practicing NVC, a common response is “Requests are the hardest part!” However, once this skill is learned, practiced, and integrated requests most often become the simplest skill in NVC!
There are many reasons we don’t make requests such as the fear of hearing a no and a belief that our requests don’t matter! Someone recently shared that making requests for themselves was considered selfish in their family of origin. How about you? Do you fear rejection when you consider asking for what you want? You’re not alone!
There’s a lot to unpack about making requests in all kind of settings whether it be in business or home.
Experienced in these sessions:
The connecting dynamic between needs and requests... especially in the workplace!
What happens when we resist demands.
The clarity PLATO brings to our requests.